
Finding the Right Hurricane Shutter Can Be Easy

It is not easy to find the right hurricane shutter for your home, but it is a very important process that can protect you home for many years. Hurricane shutters offer protection from wind and debris as well as protection form the sun and trespassers.

The first two options you have with hurricane shutters are whether you would like them fixed or removable.

Fixed shutters rollaway when they are not in use, but they require the installation of a track and some housing for the shutters to roll into. The shutter itself lowers down over the window and has horizontal interlocking slats. These shutters offer the best protection and are easy to use. Many of these shutters can be automated so that they can be raised and lowered with the touch of a button. They can also be manually raised and lowered with a crank or belt pull. The down side to these shutters is that they do require professional installation that considerably raises the price. They are also a bulky addition to the exterior of any existing home.

The other alternative to fixed shutters is the removable kind. These shutters are simply a panel or board that is affixed to the outside of a window. These removable shutters are less expensive and do not require professional installation. They also do not alter the vanity of your home because the panel is completely removed when not in use. The cheapest way to install these is to use plywood boards and to simply nail them to the exterior of the home. This is the least effective way to cover your windows, but it is still effective. High winds can pull the wood right off of the house. To ensure maximum protection, you can install brackets that are screwed into the homes exterior. You may still use plywood, but you can purchase plastic panels that offer more strength and longer life. The plastic panels are now offered in a clear option that will let natural light in if you plan on using them for an extended period.

Window covering offer you the best protection from wind damage in a hurricane. Window replacement is timely and expensive. With more storms appearing every year, your home needs to be protected.