
Motorized Wood Blinds

Wood blinds are made of either Basswood, or Ramin wood. They are great sun shields for the room. They are also decorative in nature, adding charm and elegance to the interiors. Motorized wood blinds have the additional feature of motorized controls. This is an improved version of the original blinds. It is more of a comfort feature than an inherent one.

Motorized wood blinds are battery operated blinds. They are user friendly and help the individual to operate the blind from any position in the room. The person has to press a button, to adjust the slats and make them open, close or simply adjust them.

Most of the manufacturers of motorized wood blinds provide an internal limit, which protects both, the motor as well as the slats, from damage. A satellite- receiving eye is provided for the blinds, which may be blocked by drapers, curtains or other decorative objects. In order to install a motorized wood blind, it is noted that there is no requirement of special hardware or wiring. They are easy to install and maintain.

It is observed that wood blinds made of basswood are easier to motorize, as the wood is lighter and more resilient. They are also easier to use, as their grainy structure makes it easier to stain or paint them. Even a low powered motor makes it possible to raise and lower the wood blinds, including those with wider slats.

Many of the traditional wood blind manufacturers have also started making blinds with motorized features, as they are much sought after. These blinds are seen in corporate offices as well as homes of the affluent. The motorized feature dominates the sale factor. As the remote control tilts the blinds, it helps the person in the room to adjust the blinds without getting up.